Sample Golf Management Plan

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Diagnosis The UCCS PGA Golf Management Program elects a new Executive Board every academic school year. Elections are held at the second meeting of the spring semester and positions begin around the third week of April. These student leaders spend the summer planning for a year of success and positive change. This board consists of a President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer/Historian, Tournament Chair, Merchandise Chair, Community Service/Social Chair, Player Development Chair, Professional Development Chair, and four Class Representatives. This group is led by the program staff and meets once a week to discuss upcoming events, current problems in the program and all that needs discussing. All positions on this board are different …show more content…

In most group settings, there are many different personalities working together and this can cause a great deal of conflicting positions on various issues being discussed during meetings. This can also influence the particular way that participants interact with each other during meetings. If group members can approach these meetings with an open mind and the concept that the greatest likelihood is that not everyone will share your opinion within the group. The larger the group, the greater the dispersion of ideas and this can cause the length of meetings to be extended in the effort to have all voices heard. If these meetings are approached with a plan to guide the discussions, meetings can stay more on track and allow the group to move on to new topics in a reasonable time frame and reach a consensus …show more content…

These five characteristics are something that the group leader should consider prior to the meeting. While in the planning stages of the meeting, the leader should be sure that they are adhering to these factors such as including the right people. This can also assist the leader while composing an agenda. This may be a helpful tool in guiding the organization and structure of the meeting. This format is especially important for meeting leaders but not limited to them. If all group members are aware of these structure and essential elements, they can be the first step in achieving common goals. If simple goals can be set within meetings such as successfully meeting these requirements, the stepping-stones will be laid to achieve greater things down the road in the process. Enthusiasm is important to the positive attitude in a group meetings and it is best if people of authority present this enthusiasm so they can lead the group and be a positive example (Clark, 1998). This positive attitude can become contagious and other can subconsciously adopt this

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