Rosa Parks Research Paper

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Known as Rosa Parks, the name of her husband, Rosa McCauley was born in Tuskegee, in Alabama, on February 4, 1913. Her mother was a teacher, and had to quit her job to take care of her children, while Rosa's father was working. Not many years after the birth of Rosa, James McCauley left, letting his whole family alone, trying to sort things out. At eleven, Rosa went to Montgomery Industrial School for Girls, with more than 200 other black girls, around her. There, she learnt sewing, cooking and taking care of a house. Rosa had to quit school 2 times, to take care of her grand mother, and then, her mother. Between these tough times and her first actions as a militant for the civil rights of black people, Rosa had jobs in sewing and cleaning …show more content…

Paul AME Church, where she was a member, really implicated. At the age of 18, she met her future husband, Raymond Parks, a very light-skinned guy. They fell in love, and got married 1932. Raymond motivated Rosa to obtain her high school diploma, that she earned in 1933. Rosa always had the need to do something for black people's life, since her little age, but she concreted these needs by living and being with Raymond. A full of things happened and ran through after ; being a member of the NAACP (National Association for the Advancement of Colored People), being the secretary of Nixon, the NAACP's president, meeting Martin Luther King, being arrested by refusing to change place in a segregated bus, the bus boycott, ... This woman showed all her life her need to see things to be changed, for herself, but also, the world around her, where she saw a lot of …show more content…

Her grandfather, taught her to stand up for herself, and often took advantage about the fact he was light-skinned, to say things a black man wouldn't have said about white people. Raymond, as sure, influenced her, he was a man really engaged in the fight about black people's rights. Rosa had also the chance to work with Edgar Daniel Nixon, a strong and proud man, from whom she learnt a lot about making actions for her causes. A person that marked her a lot, since her youth, was Miss White, the woman who had the Institute for girls. She made her understand not every white and well-off person is

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