Romans 12 Research Paper

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Every Bible verse I've ever memorized has developed a memory. In 2nd grade, I presented Luke 2:4 in the Children's Musicals in my church play; in 4th grade, I repeated John 3:16 to myself for an hour so I could win a balloon animal; and in 7th grade, I went to Hume Lake Christian Camp where we gained points for every memory verse we could recite and my team memorized the entirety of Romans 12. All of these verses have grown up with me and have helped me make my decisions. And, just like Romans 12:2 says, they have helped my mentality be "not of the world." However, it is a real challenge because for one, I live in it. Society has started to thrive on being against God's word and it is tricky to stand against it. It's nearly impossible since

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