Psalm 115 Research Paper

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Psalm 115 does not have a documented writer and it is not even known when it was written. We do however, know that it was written in a time when there were not many Jews. Some estimate that it was before the exile when the Assyrians and the Babylonians took them away however it is not known exactly. Many believe that the Psalm was written during times when the church of God was in trouble and its enemies were creating a threat. The church during ths time did not complain about the situation it had found itself in but placed its confidence in God. By having confidence in God the Church came out with a triumph. In the Septuagint Psalm 114 and 115 are joined to create one complete Psalm. In verse one God is given the name Lord and a Covenant is proclaimed. The covenant in this verse is between God and the people of Israel and says that God will keep the glory for himself and that he will not give it to his people. In this verse glory is defined as all the good things that people say about God. We have to be careful not to take any of God’s glory for ourselves. This is also reiterated in Isaiah 42:8 when God repeats “for my own sake, for my own sake I will act; for how can my name be profaned? And my glory I will not give …show more content…

In verse two the non-believers are questioning the existence of God. By asking “Where is there God?” They want to know what God is doing to prove that he is alive. Verse three answers the non-believers by proclaiming that God is in Heaven doing all the things that he wants to do. This is most common when high officials of the church are caught up in sin and is exposed. The non-believers start taunting us because they say “these are the people that your God has chosen? If we as Christians are going to claim the name of Christ then we should not out ourselves in a position that gives nonbelievers the opportunity to mock us and our

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