Roll of Thunder, Hear My Cry by Mildred Taylor

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“There was a sinking feeling in my stomach and I felt as if the world had turned itself upside down with me in it” (Page 129, Taylor). The author, Mildred Taylor, of Roll of Thunder, Hear My Cry has triumphed on writing the book while delivering the painful message of how African Americans were treated in the times of the Great Depression. Cassie has encountered many difficulties when having to accept the way she was treated outdoors along with all the other African-Americans in her society. In the opening, Cassie, along with her siblings, has to collaborate with the complications the bus has caused, and fearing the night men afterward for discovering what they have done. As greed, selfishness, and racism caused misfortune to the Logan family and their land, they stand strong with pride and dignity, willing to do whatever it takes to keep what is most important to their eyes. However, matters only get more and more complex when a lynch mob is determined to lynch Mr. David Logan, Mr. Morrison, and Mr. Jamison along with T.J. the night of the immense incident. Since the story is told through the eyes of a little girl, Cassie reveals all her pain as well as her perspective and point of view of life. As one can see, Mildred Taylor applied the conflict to the story ever so professionally. She did a phenomenal job using a variety of techniques to make many themes fit perfectly within the story; she additionally applied the theme to the conflicts. In addition, the story was recounted through the eyes of the main character, Cassie, which will soon lose her innocence. Cassie’s point of view had a great impact on the marvelous story.

“No day in all my life had ever been as cruel as this one." (Page 116, Taylor). As the innocent girl went ...

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...of you with all her deepest opinions about every event the book contained. Cassie, as an innocent rose, was naive until the day she has experienced racism, or as the day where the innocent rose has grown thrones. Her innocence was gone as she stated that that day was the worst day of her entire life. Cassie hasn’t understood many things of why they had to live differently than others, of why Mr. Simms and other whites treated her the way they did, she hasn’t completely understood all that until the day where Mama was faced with no choice, but to explain it to her. Cassie sneaking and attentively listening to conversations she wasn’t supposed to hear provided the readers with additional information and informed readers how hard times where for the family.

Works Cited

Taylor, Mildred D., and Jerry Pinkney. Roll of Thunder, Hear My Cry. New York: Dial, 1976. Print.

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