Robin Williams Outline

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“Life Before and After Robin Williams’ Career”
Specific Purpose: To inform my audience about the three key factors that led up to Robin Williams’ career, his disease, and his death.
Central Idea: Robin Williams, a loved and world-wide known comedian and actor, had a huge impact on the lives of everyone who ever crossed paths with him and the lives of anyone who ever watched his movies.
“You’re only given a little spark of madness. You mustn’t lose it.” A quote by the famous actor and comedian Robin Williams, he was a man that brought joy to people for over four decades in his many appearances in different shows and films. Today I will inform you about the three key factors that led up to Robin Williams’ career, his career, …show more content…

Robin McLaurin Williams, American comedian and actor well known for his stand-up comedy and numerous roles in different movies, realized he wanted to become a comedian during his childhood.
A. Williams was bullied throughout his childhood for being overweight.
1. He spent much of his time alone at his family’s home to avoid being bullied.
B. He overcame his label of being overweight after he joined the wrestling and track team at his school.
1. He realized he could gain the respect of the other children back by making them laugh.
C. After moving to California from Illinois at the age of 16 when his dad retired, he finished his high school career at Redwood High school.
1. Following graduation in 1969, he attended Claremont Men’s College, where he studied political science and played soccer.
2. He ended up taking lessons in improvisation, something that is created in the spur of the moment without preparation.
3. That is when he realized his passion for comedy.
D. After he left Claremont, he enrolled in the College of Marin where he studied acting.
1. He quickly won a full scholarship to Julliard School in NYC.
2. Williams practiced stand-up comedy in his free time, and soon realized that he would rather be a comedian than an …show more content…

After the success of the show ‘Mork and Mindy,’ a new show created for him, Williams’ won his first Golden Globe in 1979.
A. After the success of his first personal show, Williams’ started appearing in a few movies including: ‘Popeye’, ‘The World According To Garp’, and ‘The Survivors.’
B. After playing the role of real-life military DJ Adrian Cronauer, Williams earned his first Academy Award nomination and won his second Golden Globe.
C. After his rising success, he landed roles in well-known films including: ‘Back To Neverland’, ‘Aladdin’, ‘Mrs. Doubtfire’, ‘Jumanji’, ‘Good Will Hunting’, and many more.
(Transition: Now that you know about his career, you are probably wondering about his disease and how this disease led to his death.)
III. Williams dealt with personal struggles throughout his career.
A. Towards the beginning of the start of his career, he battled with alcohol and drugs, especially cocaine.
1. He became involved in several destructive relationships.
B. After overcoming his addictions while still starring in several shows, Williams’ began experiencing shortness of breath and chest pains, which resulted in some of his performances being canceled as he underwent heart

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