Robert E Lee Perseverance

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“Lee is the greatest military genius in America, myself not accepted¨ by Winfield Scott--Robert E. Lee is one of the greatest military generals in history. He led the Confederate army with pride through numerous battles. Lee started as an ordinary soldiers and was quickly promoted by the president of the South to become a leader of the Virginian army to give him the confidence he needed to be successful; he led his soldiers to victory multiple times gaining the faith he needed to succeed. Robert E. Lee is one of the most successful generals because of his perseverance, strategies, and his leadership. Through his perseverance, Robert E. Lee became one of the most successful leaders in the Civil War. From graduating second in his class at West Point Academy to surrendering at the Appomattox Court House, Lee worked extremely hard to lead his team to victory. In the beginning of his military career, he was second lieutenant for the Army Corps and failed multiple time due to lack of confidence. Jefferson Davis appointed him to be the commander of the army in Northern Virginia in June of 1861. He soon was promoted to general of the whole confederate army after proving himself worthy as a leader.4 A confident, …show more content…

Lee is easily considered to be one of the most successful generals in history. He fought long and hard for his people’s right to own slaves, even though he did not agree with slavery. He made huge life sacrifices for his countrymen, men he did not even know before the war started. Robert E. Lee taught people a valuable lesson about being a leader. He showed respect, shared his military knowledge, and taught his men to be perseverant. He transformed boys into men by the end of the war. Lee died only five years after the war; his last words were “Strike the tent” which was a term that meant take a tent down to move forward; he said it because he wants people to carry on with life after he

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