Rittenhouse Square Essay

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Rittenhouse Square has long been a vital part of the city of Philadelphia. To tourists, Rittenhouse Square is a place to explore the beautiful architecture and heritage of Philadelphia. To local citizens, Rittenhouse Square is a place to unwind and to relax with friends and family. Rittenhouse Square started as a simple park but it has now blossomed into one of the best urban parks in the country, and it is also home to some of the wealthiest residents in the city of Philadelphia. Like the city of Philadelphia, Rittenhouse Square was designed by William Penn. Penn wanted to create public spaces throughout the city that made it more green and friendly. Initially named Southwest Square, it was one of five spaces that were designed throughout …show more content…

The Friends of Rittenhouse Square is aware of the situation of not installing enough cameras and did it on purpose to not invade the privacy of others. They didn't want to make the park look like a “bank vault” by installing multiple cameras everywhere. To some, privacy is a much more important factor than safety while for some safety is the most important factor. According to the survey we conducted, it seemed like most people would rather see a few more camera in order to make the park a better place for the citizens. Local citizens of Rittenhouse will need to conduct a protest of some sort in order for the park management to install additional cameras at the park. Protests have a strong meaning and have mostly produced successful and favorable outcomes just like the wall-sitting protest. We even reviewed a powerpoint presentation in class based on protests at Rittenhouse Square and the conclusion was that protests have a major influence at Rittenhouse since there are many people visiting the park. If nothing is done to prevent these crimes occurring at Rittenhouse, then criminals are taking this to their advantage and just committing more crime since they know that they will not get

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