”Rising Technology In The Workplace”

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Since the beginning of time the advancement of technology has been changing the requirements in order to be able to do certain jobs. The first example of which, is the big, strong caveman that hunted for food with a club, who was replaced by the small, sneaky one that hunted with a bow. This example is analogous to the assistant that hand writes documents for his boss, being replaced by one that can type documents much faster and more easily. Many people have thought about or have even debated if the evolution of technology in the workplace has negatively effected the working class. These thoughts and debates have spurred dozens of other controversial topics, but one specifically is whether the number of digital jobs created outweighs the number of jobs lost. Though the development of technology has exponentially increased productivity and efficiency, many people believe that it has taken away more jobs from the working class than we can afford to lose, because of data sharing, data processing, and robotic replacement of workers. However, for those same reasons I believe that there will be an equal or greater number of computer jobs to replace them. In ancient times if you wanted to send somebody a message you had to either deliver it on your own or hire a messenger to deliver it for you. As technology advanced messengers were replaced by mail couriers, that would daily deliver letters and packages all over the world, but this could still take days or even weeks. When the phone was invented courier jobs decreased and jobs at phone companies replaced them. After the invention of the internet and e-mail, people were able to instantly transfer any kind of digital media, be it text, images or video. This advancement allowed scienti... ... middle of paper ... ...is why I believe that people don't take into account, the fact that even though certain jobs are becoming obsolete due to technological advancements and robotic automation, there are just as many new jobs being created that will be required to run and maintain these devices. Works Cited Ito, Aki. "Your Job Taught to Machines Puts Half U.S. Work at Risk."Bloomberg.com. Bloomberg, 12 Mar. 2014. Web. 25 Apr. 2014. Ford, Martin. "Technology and Automation Increase Unemployment.” Unemployment. Ed. David Haugen and Susan Musser. Detroit: Greenhaven Press, 2011. Opposing Viewpoints. Rpt. from "The Truth About Unemployment— And Why It May Get Worse.” Huffington Post. 2010. Opposing Viewpoints in Context. Web. 26 Apr. 2014. Peterson, Hayley. "The 12 Jobs Most At Risk Of Being Replaced By Robots."Business Insider. Business Insider, Inc, 12 Mar. 2014. Web. 26 Apr. 2014.

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