Richter's Essay: The Barrier Of Actions

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The Barrier of Actions Humans aren’t made perfectly as they all have something they hold dear which they never wish to forfeit based on their rationality(the entity that limits oneself); as a result, those same naive lunatics pretend, hide the truth, and lie. When they ponder losing that companion, they fall victim to anxiety while others bury their apprehensions in the deepest of dark caves never to be heard from again. Furthermore, those that obey their instinct and believe in the divinity of fear are limiting themselves and others with their true capabilities. Specifically, those that neglect their anguish are at the height of their longevity. Correspondingly, the 18th-century German author Richter regards misery as a phase: at first one …show more content…

By illustrating the luminous truths to oneself, one shall rise in sovereignty. As an illustration, Richter is shown welcoming his falsehoods when he adds,“ [...] and a courageous person afterword”. To put manners in other means, the author believes that after encountering one’s uneasiness, they become audacious yet traumatized of those fairy tales. Despite his sayings, naivete strikes again as one witnesses the author sealed away in an endless cave along with his honesty. Furthermore, those with the presence of fear shall have it backfire on them. To demonstrate, in the visual novel Steins;Gate, a mad scientist named Rintaro Okabe attends a conference on the manners of time travel; however, he finds the dead body of a neuroscience researcher named Kurisu Makise. Bewildered by the recent events, Okabe sends a text message about the incident to his partner in crime Daru. He later found out Kurisu is alive and that message arrived before he sent it. Joined by Kurisu, the lab members create a way to time travel with the use of cell-phone operated microwave to send text messages along with memories back in time; however, an organization named SERN learns of the time machine and sends people to retrieve it killing Mayuri(Okabe’s close friend) in the process. For fear that he may become abandoned by all, Okabe goes back in time multiple times to prevent Mayuri's death, but fails each time. With this in mind, lying to oneself can prove fatal. One need not cower ordinary changes as death; moreover, loneliness and rejection is proof of diligence and transcendence. In order to become a divine being, one must sacrifice others along with their mind and soul for the greater good of humanity. Okabe had the whole universe in his hands, but he simply wasted his powers of time travel on the emotions and lives of others; the ignorance of Okabe’s behavior foolishly depicts the actions of any other

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