An Analysis of the Grimm Brothers by Edgar Allen Poe

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An Analysis of the Grimm Brothers by Edgar Allen Poe Edgar Allen Poe wrote a paper on the philosophy of writing good short fiction. It was published in a book called ‘New short story theories’ by Charles E May. He stated: ‘What I here propound is true: -therefore it cannot die:-or if by any means it be now trodden down so that it die, it will ‘rise again to the life everlasting’ nevertheless, it is as a poem only that I wish this work to be judged after I am dead. P69 + 70 Perhaps he knew that his work would be most appreciated after his death, as with most artiste work. Or perhaps he is trying to calm the nerves of new writers whose stories are deemed ‘un-printable’ by the critics, stating that while today they may not be appreciated, in a hundred years time, they shall be analysed and admired to thousands. When the Grimm brothers wrote their stories, they wrote them to begin with, as an extension to their medieval studies. They never planned to be a writer according to the research; they simply discovered a talent for it as life progressed. While their work was published in their lifetimes, they could never have known that there stories would progress around the globe, and into the mind of any every child’s head as a form of entertainment. Almost every person in the world has heard at least one of the works of the Grimm brothers, and like Poe said, this kind of reconition can only happen after you are dead. ‘In the construction of plot, for example, in fictitious literature, we should aim at so arranging the incidents that shall not be able to determine, of any one of them, whether it depends from any one other or upholds it’ P71 This is perhaps the most crucial piece of advise to any writer wishing to write a story. The key is to keep a reader until the very end. The only reason to do this is to give them a question, which needs

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