Rhythm In Music Therapy

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Humans encounter many physical changes over the course of a lifetime (Poinier & Herman, 2014). The most common changes take place in the brain and nervous system. The brain adapts to changes in the weight of the brain, the extent of its nerve network, and decreasing blood flow by developing new innervation distribution patterns. Music is a powerful tool used to help older adults adjust to significant changes in their physical and mental state.
Music produces both emotional and physical responses (Clair & Memmott, 2008). It aids and improves social interaction, and provides effective communication and emotional expression. Music stimulates associations and triggers reminiscence. When experiencing recent inactivity, discomfort, and changes in …show more content…

This means that both the musical and nonmusical functions of music therapy stem from previous and ongoing scientific research. A neurologic music therapist must have an extensive understanding of anatomy and physiology, specifically regarding the brain and nervous system. The rational scientific mediating model (R-SMM) informs music therapists of the functions of different brain systems (Hurt-Thaut & Johnson, 2015). Knowledge of different brain systems allows the music therapist to apply the methods and interventions that will provide the client with the highest chance of recovery. Without developing scientific knowledge and an understanding of different brain structures, effective music therapy cannot be …show more content…

NMT focuses on the precise non-music application of skills when combining non-music assessments, movements, and behaviors in music therapy. NMT results in significant improvements of motor, communicative, cognitive, physical, and social skills. Interventions used in NMT include Rhythmic Auditory Stimulation (RAS), Pattern Sensory Enhancement (PSE), Therapeutic Instrumental Music Performance (TIMP), Musical Speech Stimulation (MUSTIM), and Rhythmic Speech Cuing (RSC) (Hurt-Thaut & Johnson, 2015). Voluntary movement can be heavily influenced by rhythm. When the motor system and auditory system work together, they can create anticipated and consecutive changes in body functions. NMT is more concerned with the outcome of the therapy than the process used to achieve it. As a result, many music therapists use NMT specifically for clinical studies and

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