Rhetorical Reading Response

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Throughout my high school years, I did not necessarily find a liking in writing, as it was extremely graded hard on a rubric and mostly censored. I constantly felt pressure from my teacher to meet our school writing rubric, rather than expressing my thoughts on a topic creatively through my writing. Every week, Ms. Harper gave us three writing assignments all due on the same day next week. Due to these restrictions, I did not allow myself to think in a comprehensive sense. When I started college at Clayton State, that mindset of writing without creatively thinking on the topic prevented me from opening up my mind to different ideas. Luckily, English 1101 which was taught by Dr. Frank gave me a new perspective on writing and allowed me to open …show more content…

The Personal Narrative required us to pick characteristics that we were looking for in for our future career. I had to discuss the process in cutting down my list of possible careers to one. I had to explain the different factors of why each career was cut from my list because it did not meet all of my criteria. The career I chose met all of my criteria required for my future endeavor once I finish college.

The Annotated Bibliography was an extremely important assignment for me. I had to find four sources and put them in MLA format. We had to pick a topic and in my case it was racism in school. These sources as my teacher said would be the basis of my Works Cited page for my Concept paper. The research from my Annotated Bibliography helped me easily write my concept paper.

Meanwhile, English 1101 did not consist only of constructing academic papers. In class, we also were required to analyze another student piece to add our own thoughts into their writing in where they can improve. This skill I learned from Rhetorical Reading Response and Peer Revision. Rhetorical Reading Response focused more on the evaluation of the material we analyze to support the author's claim. On the contrary, Peer Reviews furthered my ability on giving constructive criticism on another student piece. By giving constructive criticism, it helped me in the analytical

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