Rhetorical Analysis Of Trump's Inaugural Address

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Trump’s Inaugural address is written during a sensitive time in America. Besides being divided by political parties, an even greater divide was, and still is, prominent between the Citizens and the Government. Trump addresses this great divide and his thoughts about it in depth through his Rhetorical strategies. To specify, Trump’s belief that the Government has been the cause of the People’s problems, and that he, as the voice of the people, will solve America’s problems by giving the power back to the people. Trump’s most prominent display towards his overall message is seen through his use of Tone that can be found throughout the text. The simplest example being his use of the pronouns “We”, “You”, and “Our” shown multiple times throughout his speech. This creates a feeling that Trump is an average citizen, and shows his idea that he will be the voice of the people. He further strengthens the idea that power will be given back to the citizens through his declaration, “January 20th, 2017 will be remembered as the day the people became the rulers of this nation again”. Besides these reasons, Trump also uses tone to imply that the Government …show more content…

The main use for this device is to further cement Trump’s idea that the Government has been the cause of the People’s problems. Words such as “robbed”, “stolen”, “crime” along with phrases such as “Mothers and Children trapped in poverty”, “rusted out factories scattered like tombstones”, and “our young and beautiful students deprived of all knowledge” create a powerful atmosphere of gloom and despair. This is clashed later on in the speech when Trump describes what will happen when power is given back to the people. “A birth of a new millennium”, “Free the Earth from the miseries of disease”, and “heal our divisions”. In context, this Imagery is meant to support that giving power back to the People will help to move past America’s

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