Rhetorical Analysis Of Coca Cola

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Professor Butler
English 101 ST18
11 October 2016
Coca-Cola’s Multilingual Advertisement Even if people are not football fans, millions and millions of people tune into the Super Bowl every year to watch the advertisements. Due to the copious amount of people watching, it costs around four million dollars just for a thirty second advertisement. The companies that buy these thirty seconds commercials in the Super Bowl want to make sure that it is memorable so that everyone who watches it remember the advertise for days and weeks after the big game. The famous American company Coca-Cola bought a thirty second commercial and entitled it “America Is Beautiful”. This advertisement, according to Lebanon Daily News, truly accomplished the mission …show more content…

In the third paragraph, the author brings up what American people were tweeting about the advertisement. “The hashtag #f---coke started trending hot as irrational ‘Murricans utterly misplaced their patriotism and, ape-like, started heaving poop at one of America’s iconic brands.” In this quote, the author uses words such as ‘Murricans’ and ‘poop’, which are generally not acceptable words in formal writing. Thus, these two words are considered slang. The author points out these negative reactions on Twitter to help bring light to the fact that people are talking about Coca-Cola’s advertisement even days after it aired on television. Therefore, Coca-Cola accomplished their mission of having their thirty second commercial remembered days after it was seen during the Super …show more content…

“Freedom means the right to make an ass of oneself, allowing others as gently as possible, to point out the fact.” In this quote, the author pleads to the audience’s ethical morals that everyone should have freedom of choice in America, despite the fact if English is their native language or not. Next, the author states that “But it does not mean that we are forced to unlearned those things that defined us before we came to be Americans. We can be just as patriotic, and we can act just freely, if we sing those words in English or in any of the languages listed above and any of the others that were not.” In this statement, the author appeals to our accepting and nonjudgmental side. The author wants people to accept the fact that these people are different and that they can be just as patriotic as others no matter what language they speak

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