Rhetorical Analysis Assignment

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Later, I was being told my paper was lacking details. Thus, I repeated reading the article over and over again and actually put myself into the shoes of the speaker, considering how would I perceived if I am in the same situation as him.

Overall, I have improved my writing from the first day of class. My paragraphs have became more formidable. It was more completed and organized compared to the first draft. Also, I have contained several conclusive messages from the dependable sources. However, there were still some spelling mistakes and confusing parts in final draft of the introduction. I believed I could minimize the grammar errors and have a better explanation instead of jumping around if I did not procrastinate till the last minute of …show more content…

This was my first time actually create a blog and using the rhetorical choices that the other blogs applied. It took me a lot time to decide what topic to write due to the numerous choices . Also, it was impossible to complete it in three weeks, the time was shorter the Rhetorical Analysis Essay. Eventually, I have determined to write about my personal experience of studying abroad.

One of the changes I have made in my blog was to change the rhetorical choices of headings from one of three blogs to the experiences I had since I was suggested to included more details with the benefits I have gained after leaving home. Thus, instead of writing the advantages, I felt that it was easier to alter the headings to stories and describing what I have learned from the them in order to make the blog more persuading. Furthermore, I have contained details of comparing before and after in each experiences.

In addition, I was having some misunderstanding about the RIP Companion Essay. At first, I considered it was the same of RA paper. Thus, I was trying to analysis my rhetorical choices rather than what I have learned from the blogs of others and how did I applied. After going to office hours, I had a better understanding and revised to what it should be

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