Revisio Revision: The Last Step In The Writing Process

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Once the writing portion of an essay is completed it is often considered to be done. However, revision can often be described as the last step in the writing process. Revision is a stage in the writing process where an author adjusts or modifies his or her composition to make it more congruent. Revision can often be described as the last step in the writing process. This means it is the last time to recondition everything incorrect with your essay before it can be critiqued by other people. This makes revision a very intricate and leisurely process that involves a lot of focus. Even small changes to an essay can make a big difference in the way it sounds. A good writer understands how important revision is and spends as much time as possible during this stage to mold the essay into the ideal state. …show more content…

You always should go back and read to clearly understand what you wrote, so that is what I do. The first thing I do is go back and read the whole essay to get a feel of what I wrote. Then I review my introduction. An effective introduction is easy and clear to understand. Your main argument must be stated clearly for the reader. Your introduction is a layout for the rest of your essay. This also means that you must use correct terminology that your reader understands. Structure goes for the whole essay not just the introduction as well. So, with this I work on the structure of my body paragraphs, as well as my conclusion. Organization is the base of any essay. Non-organization in an essay leads the reader to not think clearly while reading. This cause them to be confused by the whole narrative. An essay that is structured clearly should be in logical

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