Review: The Boston Tea Party

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Great Britain has established a number of colonies in America by 1770s, under the influence of the colonists being citizens of Great Britain and subjects of King George III (Why were the American colonies unhappy with the British government?) Great Britain had bound the colonies by restricting trade so the colonies had to depend on the British for imported goods and supplies. (Why were the American colonies unhappy with the British government?) As the French and Indian War came to an end, Great Britain passed the Quartering Act in which American colonists was required to pay for lodging of British soldiers. (Why were the American colonies unhappy with the British government?) Colonists was apoplectic with anger seeing no reason for British …show more content…

The prominent event that triggered a series of events in its awakening. This event was later to known as the Boston Tea Party, which was meant to battle and conclude the British “taxation without representation.” During the fall of 1773, Great Britain still controlled the American colonies (Matt Doeden, Charles Barnet, Dave Hoover, The Boston Tea Party). British Parliament passed the Tea Act, which sold the colonists tea at a overwhelming low price, and had to pay tax on the tea (Matt Doeden, Charles Barnet, Dave Hoover, The Boston Tea Party). The Boston Tea Party uncloaked our nation's leaders with the intention of standing up for their country. Actions such as Samuel Adams, the Sons of Liberty, Loyal Nine, and the night of December 16, 1773 will be “the glowing beacon” of America who took a stand against the conquering British …show more content…

Samuel Adams was, no doubt, the leading contributor in the events that took place. Adams led the Sons of Liberty and convince people to join their cause, battled against multiple acts by the British, and represented the colonies of America with his acts and achievements. The Sons of Liberty was an influential group combat against the Stamp and Tea Act placed in the colonies. The group targeted loyalists and changed the minds of many men. Loyal Nine has the same goals as the Sons of Liberty, but had a more discriminating way of doing so. The dumping of the tea showed that the colonies weren’t going to let Great Britain push they around any further. Many conclude that these events created our country, and to a certain point, it did. The Boston Tea Party was important to the American people because it shaped the country it is today. The Tea Party participants show powerful leadership in the Boston Tea Party as well as the ability to change people's minds. Samuel Adams quoted, “It does not take a majority to prevail… but rather an irate, tireless minority, keen on setting brushfires of freedom in the minds of men.” (Brainyquote) The quote explains how a group of people can spark something tremendous even in minuscule numbers and is represented in the Boston Tea

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