Reunion With Boredom Analysis

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In the essay “Reunion with Boredom”, Simic allocates about “a quiet place to sit and think”. Simic conveys that it is now very difficult to find a place in which there are no distractions. However, when living in a place filled with technology and many other implements that can distract you, I’ve managed to discover a place where I am separated from all of this; my room. My room is the only place where I am most comfortable due to the way how I personally decorated it. My room fits my personality and nothing in my room distracts nor annoys me. Everything fits my preference: the size of my bed, its setting, its organization, and the low quantity of baubles scattered around the room. My room can either be clamorous or silent. When I close my door, no sounds come to my room; its as if the whole world went mute. Once I become aware of this silence, I simply lay down and stare at the ceiling. While this is happening, millions of thoughts are going through my head. Most of these thoughts are situations that I am struggling with and finding it difficult to find a solution for them. For example, a situation where most people can relate to at this age is the lost over someone that you had a relationship with. …show more content…

I like to play different type of music and genres. Most of the time when there’s a song that I like, I look it up on the internet and I learn to play it. Playing the guitar and having interactions with music helps me to get relaxed. I give thanks to my room for all this relaxation and silent that it brought to me. ‘‘A quiet place” to what Simic refers to can come in different shapes and sizes. A quiet place can be different when comparing it to someone else’s preferences. Other people may use their quiet place differently and do different interactions with it. There’s a lot in contrast but one comparison that we can all agree on is that it's “a quiet place to sit and

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