Residential Security System Essay

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Residential security systems are becoming an essential element of your property home improvement. There once was a time where such systems were considered an extravagance, only meant for the rich and famous. It was a suggestion of your wealth and all important people in residence had to have one. Today, things are so much different. Such security systems are not only cheaper but far more technologically advanced than before. But the main difference today is that you need to have some sort of residential security system to protect you, your family, home and possessions. In today's climate of uncertain economic downturn a surprising number of people are having to turn to crime in order to provide a meal on the table. You have a right to protect …show more content…

It is foolish to wait until you are burgled to install an alarm system. When you are broken into you will have a lot to deal with such as changing the locks, contacting the police and insurance company etc. Also, have you got an up to date inventory of your possessions? Let alone all the stress, anxiety and trauma that such an event creates. Don't be a victim and take action now. So what actually is a residential security system? It consists of a main control panel, a bell box and several alarm sensor monitoring devices. The system is armed and disarmed via the control panel - either by entering a code or by a wireless keyfob. The door sensors are fitted to at least all external doors. The main entry/exit door will have a delay before triggering the alarm so that you have time to enter/exit the property to arm/disarm the system. Other door sensors will trigger the alarm immediately. The other main type of sensor is the PIR motion detector sensor. This will detect a change in temperature that passes across the sensor. Again, these can be configured to provide a delay before triggering or can be immediate. Some types of PIR can provide a "pet alley" so they do not trigger when pets come into the vicinity of the sensor. Other types of alarm sensor are window shock sensors, fire detection and carbon monoxide

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