Research Paper On The Titanic's Maiden Voyage

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The Titanic’s maiden voyage was a disaster because it could have been avoided by paying more attention. The Titanic’s voyage was a horrible tragedy that could have been avoided. If the captain would have paid more attention to where he was going the Titanic might have still been afloat. When not doing anything about the iceberg, it crashed into it and hundreds of people died. Numbers of people had to make decisions on leaving their loved ones or die with them. Ordinarily, the nearby ship turned in for the night no one could get help fast enough. Then it crashed into an iceberg and people died that is what made this voyage a tragic experience.

The Titanic’s maiden voyage was a disaster because the captain avoided bestow attention to the iceberg. An operator warned all the ships in the area of the icebergs, but so far the captain didn’t change his course. They weren’t giving attention and told the operator that they have already passed the iceberg. The captain also thought the ship was “unsinkable” any ways so he wasn’t too worried about the icebergs. The Titanic even got a report about the numerous huge icebergs ahead. The captain even was the captain of the sister ship of the Titanic, and she got in a wreck too, for poor attention. If the crew paid …show more content…

When the operator was telling him to slow down for the icebergs, the captain ignored it and kept going the same speed. Then they lied to the operators about already passing the icebergs when yet they didn’t. When the captain heard the warning, he believed that nothing can really make the “unsinkable” ship crash. They ignored the message so much they didn’t even pay attention to the one about the huge iceberg that was right in front of him. The captain wasn’t really the best captain too. The captain crashed the ship he sailed before the Titanic. Only if the captain and crew would of listened to the

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