Research Paper On Spirited Away

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Spirited Away is an animated film that is directed by Hayao Miyazaki. This movie begins with Chihiro, a ten year old girl, and her parents on their way to their new home. On the way, they stumble upon what seemed like an deserted amusement park. Her parents find an empty restaurant that appears to be open and begin to devour the cooked food like hungry pigs. While Chihiro looks around the area, she meets a young boy named Haku who warns her to get out before sunset. But it is too late, her parents transformed into pigs and she needs to find a way to get out. Haku then explains that the park is a resort for supernatural beings who need a break from their time spent in the earthly realm, and that she must work there to free herself and her parents. …show more content…

Kamikakushi means ‘hidden by God (Kami)’. Therefore, Kamikakushi is used when someone mysteriously disappears or passes away due to an angered god that took the person away. In this resort for super-natural beings, Chihiro and Haku both get something taken away from them and in order for them to get out and be free, they must take back what they lost.

In this film, Hayao Miyazaki takes us on a quest to a world of fantasy and adventure. This film is truly magical and is filled with dreams, colors, and childhood. The first time I watched this movie, it made me feel enchanted and magical. Towards the end of the film, I didn’t want Chihiro’s journey to end (I still do everytime I watch it)!

“Offers a ride worth taking -- an excursion through a fantastical pop universe that is pure, enchanting magic. Try it; you'll like it.”

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