Research Paper On Mannequin

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I chose the movie Mannequin for this discussion topic because viewing the movie from a diverse point of view allowed me to keen in on things that I never paid attention to. Mannequin is an old movie that was released in 1987. The movie tells the story of an actor by the name of Andrew McCarthy, who played the character Jonathan Switcher. Jonathan Switcher was a guy who struggled with keeping a job, but remained convinced in his innate ability to produce quality artwork. However, majority of his employers didn’t feel that way which is why he was often laid off. Well, one day Jonathan Switcher created this perfect mannequin (named Emmy) played by Kim Cattral. The mannequin turned out so perfect that he fell in love with it. On his way, home one …show more content…

One night Jonathan and Hollywood constructed an elaborate window display starring Jonathan’s trophy mannequin. When Jonathan removed the cursed necklace from the mannequin's neck, she came alive and was referred to as Emmy from there on out. After discovering that Emmy only comes alive around him, Jonathan with the assistance of Hollywood started constructing very elaborate window displays that drew swaths of people to view it. This caught the attention of Jonathan’s ex-girlfriend named Roxie Shield who was played by actress Carole Davis, and President B.J. Wert played by actress Steve Vinovich. As the window displays got better and better, Jonathan was in turn promoted through the ranks. This prompted jealously from Jonathan’s ex-girlfriend who launched an attack to steal Emmy due to Jonathan declining her offer to join her company, Illustra. The next morning Jonathan and Hollywood tracked down Emmy’s whereabouts to his ex-girlfriend at Illustra. When Jonathan and Hollywood arrived to Illustra, Roxie made a brazen attempt to throw Emmy into the trash disintegrator. Jonathan and Hollywood saved Emmy’s life, Roxie was fired from her job, and Wert was arrested. Jonathan and Emmy subsequently got married and lived happily ever

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