Research Paper On Bridget Cleary

692 Words2 Pages

Montaha Rizeq
Word Count: 812
Thesis: Michael Cleary burned his wife Bridget Cleary to death due to the simple fact that he was under extensive stress of having a wife who did not fit cultural norms and to add, a religious notion of fairies that was not accepted by most of society.

Bridget Cleary was no doubt an unusual woman among the women of rural Ireland. Bridget was the type that dressed differently which was seen as very unholy behavior. Status and reputation in society is very prevalent in the late 1800s, and unfortunately, Cleary was on the opposite side of positive status. Michael Cleary committed this act of burning his wife to death under the circumstance that he was under constant stress. Not only was the idea or belief in fairies very odd for most to grasp, the notion of burning ones wife has to be the result of previous encounters or quarrels with religious scrutiny, due to its dominance in society. Religion plays a very dominant role in Irish history. Although the main consensus when thinking about religion in Irish history is that of Protestantism versus Catholicism, it is vital to keep in mind that these separate …show more content…

The way to rid oneself of fairies, is only done through burning the individual to death. Bridget Cleary is not the first person to be murdered in the name of a changeling, in fact a recording of the death of a child under the illusion that it was possessed by a fairy occurred during this time as well. “Ann Roche, an old woman of very advanced age, was indicted for the murder of Michael Leahy, a young child, by drowning him in the Flesk. This case... turned out to be a homicide committed under the delusion of the grossest superstition. The child, though four years old, could neither, stand, walk nor speak – it was thought to be fairy struck” (Bourke,

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