Renu Shah Interview

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Renu Shah is a first-generation immigrant who moved to the United States when she was only 17 years old. After winning the DV lottery (Diversity Immigrant Visa Program) in Nepal, Renu's parents decided to migrate to U.S. in 2005 for a better quality of life. Growing up in Kathmandu, Nepal, Renu belonged to a lower-middle class family who had struggled with financial, social and personal hardships. The DV lottery was a blessing in disguise for Renu and her family. Like many other immigrants, America was the land of opportunities for Renu and her family members. They knew that if they worked hard enough, their dreams and desires would be fulfilled. I am also a first-generation immigrant who moved to U.S. from Nepal. I met Renu while I was …show more content…

Although she is older than me, we quickly became friends after I found out that we had attended the same school in Nepal. I recently learned that Renu had struggled with Dysthymia, also referred to as chronic depression. To inquire about the reasons for her depression, I asked Renu various questions during the interview. After moving to U.S, Renu had a drastic culture shock. She was raised in a conservative family that valued maintaining their own culture and traditions. She had difficulties adjusting to the new environment she was introduced to. She began her journey in America as a senior in high school. While she was excited to be in a new country and explore all the new things that were different from Nepal, she was also very anxious and nervous. Renu felt most of the symptoms that were associated with culture shock; she felt lonely, …show more content…

She was still suffering from dysthymia. Her symptoms included; feeling hopelessness, low self-esteem, lack of appetite and sleep. These symptoms were affecting her education and personal relationship with her family and friends, as she distanced herself from them. In Asian cultures it is particularly difficult talking about depression and other health problems because some of the older members of family do not accept diagnosis of mental illness. They are either reluctant or avoid the issue of mental illness completely. This is a big problem in our culture because if someone is suffering through mental illness, they will not be comfortable enough to share with their family members. They believe that mental illness is shameful or disgraceful in the family. As the enormous stressors in her life had triggered suicidal thoughts, she decided that it was time she got help. Renu sought help from the school’s psychologist for her depression. The psychologist gave her advice to take care of herself, cultivate supportive relationships and do things that she enjoys. After seeking help, she started implementing things that would help her deal with her depression. Setting goals was her primary target, having goals propelled her move forward and helped her believe in herself. Since Renu enjoyed exercising, the psychologist stated that exercising regularly and following a healthy diet would also help her overcome

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