Religious Rituals In Athenian Culture

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Religious practices Religious ritual ceremonies among the Athenians consisted of a sequence of words and actions or rites that were spoken or performed in religious worship. Religion and spirituality declaration was a personal issue because individuals could rely on these constructs in many areas of life. Athenians believed that the gods existed and were capable of influencing human affairs. Fundamentally, according to the Athenians culture and beliefs, gods were welcome to assist in responding to various challenges that they encountered. Athenians culture was polytheistic. Formal rituals, which libations and animal sacrifices, were conducted. Rituals encompassed worshiping of many gods, which represented abstract ideas and specific aspects of the human condition. Consequently, the Athenian society was Hellenistic. Special worship ceremonies that involved the community were carried out by the priest in temples (Liddel, 2007). Use of prayer Individuals visited the temple as they wished and would make a prayer regarding many issues that they thought would be answered by the gods. After prayers, they left offerings including food, incense, and flowers among other things hoping that their players would be solved. Other gifts were also offered in gratitude based on some past deeds that were …show more content…

According to Platonist, the meaning of life could only be attained with the highest form of knowledge. Consequently, according to Platonist life was a form of good in which all just and decent things originate or derive value and utility. According to the Aristotelians, while life was acceptable as a form of good, individuals were to study and practice to become virtuous. This postulation emphasized the belief that, to understand the meaning of life, one had to possess the highest form of knowledge. These two schools of thought among others prospered and were widely held by the Athenians (Liddel,

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