Greek And Roman Culture Essay

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Greek and Roman culture, although similar, are very different and an interesting blend of other cultures. The connections between cultures remind us that culture is not created and owned by a single group of people, but is enriched through the contributions of others. Since the Romans adopted culture from the Greeks, many traditions are the same. Through the expansion of Greece under Alexander, ideas from other cultures in the Middle East and Africa played a large part in the Greek teachings. When the Romans conquered the Hellenistic cities, they became fascinated with the idea of a Greek style of doing things. All things Greek were becoming popular. This is how much of the Greek way of life made its way into Roman culture.
The first part of culture that the Romans adopted was the Greek art. Many of the Greek paintings were stolen from Greece and imported into the Roman Empire. Roman artists began adopting the Greek style of art, from the emotional intensity to the great detail. In many cases, it is very difficult to distinguish between Hellenistic art works, Romans copies of thes...

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