Relieving Stress Without Substance Abuse

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After addressing your issues with addiction and starting necessary treatment, you will have face the problems head on that led to your drug abuse. Did you start using drugs to numb emotions, calm yourself down after an argument with someone at work or a loved one, relax after a long day, or forget about your problems? Once you’re sober, the negative feelings that you avoiding with drugs will resurface. In order for treatment to be a success, you will need to resolve underlying issues.

Once you have resolved your underlying issues, you may continue to experience negative emotions such as stress, loneliness, frustration, anger, shame, anxiety, and hopelessness. However, these emotions are a normal part of life. It is important to find healthy …show more content…

Lots of people turn to alcohol or drugs to decompress after a stressful event or to avoid painful memories and emotions, but there are healthier options to keep your stress level in check. You should learn to manage your everyday problems without falling back on your addiction. When you’re feeling confident in your ability to quickly de-stress, facing strong feelings isn’t as intimidating or overwhelming.

There are different stress relief tips out there. You will have to use the tips that are the most beneficial to you. Here are a couple tips that you can see if they work for you:

Tip #1 - Exercise.

A short brisk walk around the block can be enough to relieve stress. Other options could be for you to do some yoga and meditation. They are also excellent ways to relieve stress and find an inner balance. Sign up for some fun cardio classes at your local gym.

Tip #2 - Step outside and take in the warm sunshine and breathe fresh air.

Take a moment to enjoy a beautiful view. Depending on where you live go up in the mountains, go to the beach or lake. Enjoy the view and get some Vitamin D.

Tip #3 - Play with your pet, if you own

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