Reflective Learning

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Reflective learning is a necessary life skill that one can use to improve their personal and professional life. If one does not take the initiative to assess their past performance, they cannot make essential improvements for future situations. When one partakes in reflective learning they are able to see matters in a different light. Reflective learning should be a frequent practice that all individuals should partake in for optimal learning and performance through writing, analytical reading, and vocabulary and terminology acquisition. When reflecting on my writing assignments throughout the school year I have noticed that word choice and punctuation are areas that need improvement. I have made consistent mistakes when using quotes, and due to this assignment I was able to scrutinize previous assignments, realizing my mistakes. After reflecting, I have also noticed that I have a tendency to be verbose, or not choice the best word for what I am attempting to convey. I believe this occurs when I have a lot to write about, and my thoughts become unorganized. After examining my writings from AP Language and Composition, I have gained a deeper understanding of rhetoric, and have improved my ability to write rhetorical forms of writings. …show more content…

It is an essential skill to analyze and understand the meanings of different genres and important writings. This skill is useful in all subjects and since the beginning of this year my ability to understand challenging readings has helped overall. Being exposed to analytical reading has expanded my knowledge base and has made me more well read, and I have been able to make connections though other subjects. Listening to other viewpoints in group discussions, has helped me see in a new way, which is ultimately reflective

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