Reflective Essay: A Career As A Nursing Assistant

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So what is good patient care? Well a patient should always be treated with respect. And when voicing their concerns and complaints listened to carefully. They also should be showed empathy, which is the ability to identify with and understand their feelings and situation. While being shown compassion, which is seeing through the eyes of the patient. It is just being there for them when they are feeling their most vulnerable.
I have been a Nursing Assistant for a few years. I have had a bad day every now and then, like most people. When I notice myself becoming frustrated and rushed with a patient I think to myself this is someone’s grandparent. How would you like your grandparent treated this way? Nothing frustrates me more than see patients rushed through exams. That is just horrible patient care.
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There were two technologists that took me under their wing. One at the hospital and one at the urgent care site. They both always let me do the exams. I even got to do exam that we have not covered in class, with guidance of course. They gave me the attention and guidance that I did not receive from other technologist. Not because the others were unhelpful. I believe it was because some people have the ability to teach while other don’t. These two technologist just have the ability and patience to teach others.
I have heard a few times throughout the program, you will find the technologist you want to be like and the one you don’t want to be like. Well after my first clinical experience I defiantly know what I want to be like and not be like. I want to be the technologist that takes time to listen to the concerns of the patient. I will be the technologist that takes the time to listen to the concerns a patient maybe having, not just rush through exams. While also being that technologist that shadows the student letting them get some experience. Instead of the other way around. Overall my experience was

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