Reflection Paper On Physical Disability

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When I decide to take this class I don’t know what to expect on what I was going to learn about. However as the quarter went by I learned a lot about different time of disability especially physical disability. There are many type of physical disability but also there are people who are injured but are not on the physical disability for an example if someone breaks there arm they can still move around and wont have a problem but someone who is on a wheelchair who is going to be consider as physical disability. This topic on physical disability got me interested just because my friend who has cerebral palsy mad me think that he didn’t have a choose on his disability and some times I think its unfair for people who have a certain disability when there young and don’t have a choose. Next is that some people are born with a physical disability who didn’t have choose on having the disability or not. However other people who are physical disability because they either where in a car accident, war, surgery. These are two different ways of getting a physical disability but its also hard as a parent when you hear that your child is going to be on the spectrum of being part of the physical disability because most parents don’t want to label there kids. …show more content…

This disability people get it when there born at birth, but it also damages the brain which its hard for people who has this because it can be associated with speech and visual. An example would be a friend of mine who has cerebral palsy and he has his own business about his disability and goes around to different school to talk about his life and his disability with cerebral palsy. However one thing that he said and got stuck with me was that no matter how old, strong, height or which disability you have, you can accomplish anything in life if you work hard for it and that you believe in your self on what you want to accomplish in

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