Reflection On Teamwork

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During my study I also thought I knew what teamwork was, but actually my understanding related more to “working in a group” instead of working as a team. If you work in a team, other players should help you grow, understand you as an individual person and understand the way you think and work. This will create harmony in a group and that will lead to better results and motivated team players. Whenever I look back to my days when I had to work in a group, I always felt that nobody really cared about their peers and just thought they were working as a part of a team, but instead it was all out of individual interest. Due to my internship, I worked with a team of 10 people and I could feel the differences during meetings and how everything fitted into one picture as a whole. Meetings had a real structure and everybody was given the time to speak instead of only two people speaking and all the others were just attending (like in my previous study projects). I hope I can use these skills in a future study related project.
The above developments do not relate directly to my personal developments or my competencies. However, they do influence me significantly. Understanding the above concept’s true meaning was a huge eye opener. I really needed that. It changes the way I look to my life.
An important personal development was to show entrepreneurial spirit. It is a major component in my study and something I still had to develop. Due to the projects given to me I was able to prove that I do own an entrepreneurial spirit. They big idea was to leave something behind when my internship ended. I came up with two ideas to improve a procedure within HR. In the onboarding process, the company gives USB sticks with u...

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...s not very fond of that tool, because of its really windows XP interface and options. I will not be using it any time soon. To conclude, as the name say “Asian trade management”, I need to develop strong management skills and communication skills.
In the table 1, as shown below, I have illustrated the competencies I acquired and or enhanced during my classes and during the internship. I would actually like to add a table where I can express the competencies I have acquired from my private experiences, e.g. travel.

Table explanation:

++ This competency got influenced most by class, internship or private
+ This competency got influenced partly by class, internship or private
+- the class, internship or private exp. gave me only the basics for this competency
- This competency was not influenced insignificantly by class, internship or private

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