Reflection On C. S. Lewis The Weight Of Glory

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By practicing with different methods, Miss McCormick was able to engage a broader dimension of her experience. She actively participated in various processes that involved looking at her whole person, including her body and its chemical components, not just her mind. In par-taking of all the techniques, she was able to experience them for herself rather than just read about them. Similar to learning how to ride a bike, if you only read an instruction manual, have you really learned how to ride? There comes a time comes when you have to physically get on a bike and experience the learning for yourself. Miss McCormick (2009) writes, “I had to person-ally struggle with how all the views of integration could or could not help me in my relation-ship …show more content…

Through a series of circumstances, I became aware of a deep sense of loss and emptiness in my life. Through journaling, I at-tempted to write out my thoughts and feelings to understand what I was struggling with. This process gave me greater clarity amidst the jumbled emotions I was experiencing. A few weeks later, I read an essay by C. S. Lewis called, The Weight of Glory. It was probably the most powerful piece of literature I have ever read. Lewis’s essay seemed to speak exactly to what I was wrestling with. I do not know which of the seven experiential methods would have been most helpful during this time. I have not done personal interaction papers, assessments, genograms, nor engaged in personal biblical counseling, spiritual direction, or psychological therapy. I have experienced counseling previously, but did not seek professional assistance on this occasion. I suppose that reading C. S. Lewis’s essay could be considered spiritual direction, amateur theologian that he is, as it offered wonderful insight to help me gain a spiritual perspective. The combination of journaling and reading Lewis’s essay were particularly beneficial. Having not experienced the other methods that Miss McCormick participated in, I do not know how beneficial they would have

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