Reflection Of Christianity

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By examining the stimulus through the insight of Christianity, the primary beliefs can assist Christians in developing a covenantal relationship with others and the three entities of God. For those who are proactive in their faith, the principal beliefs which is a model for living in right relationships with others will bring about the development of the kingdom of God. Environmental ethics and adherents’ baptismal commitment is a significant way in which Christians can acknowledge reciprocity by having relationship and livings with others by working for compassion, justice and having a responsibility. Reciprocity and relationships with others is fundamental in having an authentic and holistic relationship relationship with Trinitarian God. Christian adherent across the breadth of the tradition responds to their baptismal commitment different in the daily life especially through the lens of environmental ethics. While there are universally beliefs accepted across the tradition, there are different interpretation and applications of beliefs. Integral to this is the understanding of Christian beliefs have been shaped by the theology of Paul. The Holy Trinity is significant as all three entities are all are equally omniscient but each one has unique functions. The father designed and created the universe, the son showed how mankind would be redeemed and the Holy Spirit sees to it that every person feels a call toward God's saving grace.

As part of the Holy Trinity, the Father plays an integral part as he is seen to be the creator of the universe. As a way of adherents who act on their baptismal commitment and interact with the divine can be seen through the development of global concern for ecology. There are however different adher...

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... that statistical evidence will argue that not all Christians are actively living out their faith in contemporary world. For example the Australia Census Data of 2011 indicates there was a decrease in people practising Catholism. In theory baptism is intended to be a life commitment to a particular way of relation to others and God, there is no certainty that all christians fully enact their baptismal commitment.

In conclusion, regardless of the viewpoint of an individual, group and/or denomination hold, if the belief is being correctly expressed with the right intentions then there is going to be a holistic and meaningful relationship between humanity and the supernatural dimension. By virtue of their Baptism, all christians adherents are challenged to work for justice and compassion and building the kingdom of God by considering the environment and salvation.

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