Reflection Of A Practicum Experience: My Nursing Experience

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Looking back on the practicum experience, it is clear that I learned much professionally and personally. I embarked on this experience feeling nervous, lacking in confidence and uncertain about what lay ahead. My first few days were a whirlwind adjusting to the chaotic, dynamic, and ongoing crises that are typical of the hospital setting. I was not prepared for the level of crisis that is a reality of Cumberland Hall and how at any moment a patient can spiral emotionally and become unstable. To respond, calmly, skillfully, empathically and professionally takes experience and knowledge. All of which, I have yet to acquire. It was obvious that I would have to learn to perfect my counselor face to display calm although under the surface …show more content…

Working one on one with the patients just helping in very simple ways proved to be beneficial in developing trust. The ease at which some of the patients share their circumstances was surprising and a bit unexpected. The challenge for me has become finding a balance between accepting them where they are while at the same time finding a way to work toward growth and wellness. Managing my own emotions has been a struggle on a couple of occasions. It is definitely a learning process of determining when it is okay to show your emotion towards the patient’s circumstances. Counseling should never be about my own feelings. I am reminded of the advice from one of my professors to engage in self-disclosure when it is of benefit to the patient. There were days when it was difficult to leave work behind and sadness followed me home. Most people would feel sad about a suicide, an involuntary commitment, a setback, a suicide attempt and struggles with patients who just do not seem to engage or appear to be making progress. My supervisor has helped me to put this into …show more content…

I believe working with severe crises and such conditions as psychosis is not an easy task and requires a specific approach. Given all of the patients have experienced some form of trauma, it is necessary for me not to remain within my competency level and not do any work that causes harm. That being said, it appears that some form of trauma work would be in order depending on each patient’s circumstance. This is going to be an area of concentration as I move forward. I recall that one of our professors remarked that we will not like all of our clients and have been confronted with this reality during practicum. My supervisor helped me to put this reaction into perspective by reminding me that we have to look past their behaviors and meet them where they are. My own reaction bothered me and I spent some time processing it alone when I probably should have been more vocal about this circumstance with my supervisor. It is certain that she has had this reaction at some point in her career and could provide some guidance. Ultimately, I was able to move past this reaction when I decided to keep in mind that people don’t always present their best selves under poor circumstances and especially

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