Reflection Of A College Class

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Walking myself into this course I was nervous about the class. I was worried about if my time management and the whole English aspect was going to work. English is not my best subject and is one I struggle with. Although as time went by I enjoyed an abundant amount of assignments that were assigned. One assignment that I enjoyed the most was the major paper, Emulate a Writing. The assignment was a struggle but I learned about what I could do with my writing. I surprised myself and didn 't realized how invested I was into the assignment. It was an assignment I thought long and hard about. I asked family members on their opinion and researched other papers on the assignment. It was a challenge for me and I 'm glad I learned that I can challenge myself. When I do I …show more content…

While taking this course I was also a high school student. Having to juggle to studies was a challenge for myself. Trying to remember what assignment was due for which class. As time went on and I got into a routine I got used to the idea. I had a specific time for each class to do. One day was this and the other day was that. The scheduling did help me immensely. One part that I was not used to was taking a college class online. I 've only ever done on campus college courses so this was different. Overall, being a college student I got to experience new things about myself and my writing. What I would suggest to other oncoming students coming into this course is to know that it is okay to make a mistake. Learn to learn from your writing. Experiment with yourself and take a risk with your writing. Don 't worry about asking others for their opinion of your writing. The criticism will give you a different outlook on it that you don 't see. Also, don 't forget to have fun in writing your papers. If you can 't enjoy yourself in your writing your just going to make yourself miserable in writing

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