Argumentative Essay On The Shock Of Education

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The argumentation research paper I had to write for my ENC1102 course, was quite harder than I though. As many may know, college students are experts in procrastinating, and I was definitely not the exception. My research was based, on the obstacles immigrant college students face in order to obtain a higher education in United States. The article that inspired me from the book Signs of life in the U.S.A.: Readings on Popular Culture for Writers was written by Alfred Lubrano, “The Shock of Education: How college corrupts.” (561). I chose this topic; because like many others, I was brought to this country as a child, to be better educated and have more opportunities. Throughout the process of writing the research paper, I encountered many hurdles …show more content…

As we always believe that everything is easy and nothing is impossible for us, until, we realize that we are doomed. In fact, this is a big problem among students, since, many end up failing their courses for this cause. Honestly, I don’t know what I was thinking at the time I chose this and my other mini-term class, all I can say is that this was a very hard six-week journey for me. Although, the professors made it very clear on what to expect, I like many others, accepted the challenge without thinking about the consequences this could bring. Don’t panic, it was not as bad as it seems either, because I had the chance to learn a lot of new things that will definitely help me forge my future. I don’t regret taking this class at all, despite all the setbacks, I had the pleasure of meeting a wonderful professor who patiently made our journey more bearable, and my classmates that somehow always contribute to my …show more content…

Not to mention that whatever it takes some people to do in an hour, it takes me two for not being able to master the language. Practically, I 've always considered myself a strong person, and enterprising, but I have very clear that my language proficiency is one of my greatest weaknesses. It is very motivating for a person like me, to pass courses with a good grade, because it is an accomplishment that was achieved based on hard work. Due to my poor language skills, the hardest part of my paper was actually doing the research, given that it took me a while to understand the peer-viewed articles needed. Generally speaking, I never imagined that it was going to be so difficult to express myself, hopefully, it will be easier in the

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