Reflection Essay

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English 111 was different from what I expected a college English course to be. I was expecting to have to read books and analyze the meaning of the themes. I found it challenging to have to analyze different websites and design our own. This was different from what I experienced in high school English classes. This course required that I expand beyond my comfort zone when writing essays. This required that I put more time and dedication into projects. It allowed me to learn valuable skills to use in other courses in college and I learned what abilities I need to concentrate on. I carry with me the abilities to use rhetoric devices to analyze websites, research techniques to polish the ethos of my papers, and the knowledge that I need to refine using other sources of media (i.e. websites, PowerPoints, etc.) to present an argument from English 111. …show more content…

I have never used rhetoric terms to type an essay. Previous essays I’ve written were analyzing books I’ve read or answering philosophical prompts. I learned the different rhetorical terms of pathos, logos, ethos, and kairos. Then for Inquiry II, I learned how to analyze different forms of media using these terms. This will benefit with the essays that I will write for other classes. The Miami plan requires students to take humanities, fine arts, and advanced writing courses. For example, next semester I’m taking my advanced writing required with a course called Technical Writing (English 313). This class will require that I write more essays. I will be able to use my knowledge of rhetorical terms while completing these

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