Recommendation Letter: To Whom It May Concern

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Esther Hartsky Laramie, WY 82070 September 24, 2015 To Whom It May Concern, I highly recommend Amy Olson as a candidate for your study program. I have had the pleasure to work with Amy being her American sign language interpreter at Laramie Senior High School for the past two and half years, and I got to know her very well. Amy is a hard-working and energetic person, and I have no doubt that she will experience great success in her future career. Amy is a quick learner and did not hesitate to expand her knowledge. Amy has the invaluable ability to think outside the box – she often comes up with fresh ideas. Amy has shown great commitment to her studies and consistently made impressive contributions to class discussions. I am very grateful to have had a student to work with as smart and attentive as Amy. I was particularly impressed that Amy managed to handle the pressure of her many courses while simultaneously keeping up her extra-curricular …show more content…

Even under high pressure, she kept her spirits up and increased the group's morale. During the courses group projects, Amy showed great commitment to the group's success. She flexibly handled different roles within her group and showed to be a very gifted motivator. She is a very reliable person and was able to handle her tasks independently and with great competence. Amy is a very creative student and takes inspiration from many sources. Throughout the year, Amy consistently delivered homework of outstanding quality. Amy has consistently shown deep commitment and strong interest to learn. Her drive and ambition were outstanding. Amy was never afraid to take on a challenge. Amy was extremely eager to succeed, no challenge was too daunting for her. I have found Amy to be a diligent student who is more than willing to stand up to any challenge she has to face. Amy has no trouble handling problems outside her comfort

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