Reasons Behind the Rise of Workplace Diversity

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Nowadays, diversity is an important factor inside the organizational structures as organization worldwide. As we all know, workforce diversity can be defined as a workforce that consist of a broad mix of peoples within a workforces that including from a different unit of racial, religion and ethic background with a different of ages, genders and sexual orientation, employees mental ability and a different domestic and national cultures. Regarding to Wentling and Palma, the diversity also can explain as the co-existence of employees from various socio-cultural backgrounds within the company (Wentling, R.M., and N. Palma-Rivas., 2000). the diversity elements can be categorized in three classes as social, value and informational diversity (Worman, 2005).
Diversity also gives many type of organizational culture inside the organization such as an employees can pursuing themselves into career position without being afraid with the gender, race, religion, nationality and other relevant factors that may relevant with the performance (Bryan, 1999). Besides, the diversity also brings the conve...

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