Reading Response I Am Malala Yousafzai

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I am Malala by Malala Yousafzai with Christina Lamb - Reading Response

I am Malala is an autobiography about the life of Malala Yousafzai. Throughout the book, Malala stands up and fights for her belief in equality between men and women, also in all children’s right (but girls especially) to an education. Eventually, the Taliban decide to shoot her because of Malala’s campaign for equality goes against their beliefs, the Taliban think men are superior to women. Malala gets hit in the head by the bullet, but luckily the Pakistan government fly her overseas and she manages to survive. To this day Malala is standing up for women's rights.

The message that I am Malala portrays is inspiring. Malala is a very courageous person who stands up for her beliefs throughout the book, no matter what challenges she must face. The Taliban have made it clear that they will kill anyone who goes against what they believe, yet Malala still stands up for what she knows is her right. In the book, Malala states, ‘I was scared, but my fear was not as strong as my courage.’ I believe this line is really important because it helps people relate to her. It shows the reader how she still experiences fear like us, but she chooses to be courageous and not back down. Malala’s courage and determination to stand up for her beliefs are the reason she has become such a role model to people all over the world. …show more content…

I think it is really important to read a book that you enjoy, but also one that you can learn a lot from. The reason I found this book informative is because it includes a lot about Pakistan’s history and culture, which I found very interesting as I enjoy reading about the history of other places. If you feel like reading a book simply to enjoy it, then this isn’t the one for you. When reading this book you learn so many things and are taught many life lessons along the

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