I Am Malala Rhetorical Devices

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Education is something various people feel extremely passionate about and would not want anything else, but a strong educational system around the world. Countless children around the world do not acquire the right to an education and various of those children are girls. Malala is one of those persons that enjoys education and her dream is to have an education for every girl that is being deprived of her rights. Malala has slowly turned herself into a symbol of peace and her novel is able to reflect that throughout her novel by applying various rhetorical devices. Malala Yousafzai the author of “I am Malala” is able to apply imagery, pathos, and analogy effectively to make an impact on her audience. Malala is able to effectively utilize various rhetorical devices, but one of the various devices was imagery. Yousafzai expresses,“This is not the Stone Age,” I said. “But it feels like we are going backwards. Girls are becoming more deprived of our right” (Yousafzai,71). As a society, it is immensely important to be able to advance together for new better …show more content…

Yousafzai expresses,“Because when a teacher appreciates you, you think, i am something! In a society where people believe girls are weak and not capable of anything except cooking and cleaning, you think, i have a talent” (Yousefzai,61). Being appreciated in a modern society is nothing new, but in a stereotypical society it is an action that is immensely rare to occur, student’s should be extremely proud of acknowledgement. Girls and women need to be given more credit in different societies since they are just as equal as men if not more. Women should not be stereotyped and limited to just cook and house cleaning since they are plenty more than just that and owing to the fact that they have rights similar to everyone else. For this reason, emotion is an immensely well developed rhetorical device throughout the

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