Reading And Writing Style Analysis

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Reading and writing is not usually a popular subject among students. Every student has a unique experience in how the student developed reading and writing skills. Each student has different teaching styles that they react positively towards and other styles the students react to negatively. How a student responds to the teaching styles they are presented with may create students who excel in reading and writing or create students who struggle in these subjects. Students who have had excellent teachers with creative teaching styles that the student responds well to may develop a love for writing and reading because that student was presented with the proper tools, in an effective way, that will create a student who can learn, grow and succeed. …show more content…

In Cathy Davidson’s essay Project Classroom Makeover, Davidson states that, “our educational vision has shrunk to the tiny bubble of a multiple-choice exam”(Davidson 81). Davidson explains in this quote that students are only concerned with material that they will be tested on. Children are no longer absorbing information because the teachers are only setting them up to test well. Teachers must create an environment where kids can grow and retain these teachings. Most kids study to pass an exam and then do not carry that knowledge with them after the exam is over. They push out that information to create space for the next wave of material they will be tested on. Students require a space where learning, absorbing, and using this information is more important than how well the student tests on the material. Giving students a space to test their knowledge in creative ways, other than circling answers on a test, will allow the student to take away real life knowledge rather than solely a good grade on an exam. Creativity teachers have in presenting the lesson is equally as important as creating a positive environment for the students to develop their reading and writing …show more content…

Davidson states that, “ the most frequent complaint and cause of disaffection from schooling is boredom and lack of rigor”(Davidson 75). Students are not interested in either the subjects being taught or the way in with they are being taught and therefore disliking school because of their uninterest. Davidson goes on to say that school is not too challenging but in fact not challenging the students enough(Davidson 76). If staff members in all levels of education would realize that students desire subjects in which they are interested in and make connections to them then the students will react more positively to a teacher’s lessons. This relates to my learning experience of writing about current topics in the media in my Expository reading and Writing class. Blevens understood that most students do not have a positive outlook on writing essays and created a course that interested and connected her students to the topics. This method worked for the students of her class, including myself, because we were able to connect on a personal level with our own writings. Being able to have students relate to lessons more personally will give the students a positive feeling about reading and writing and the students will be able to grow from these

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