Random Acts Of Kindness By Michael Devore

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RAK (Random Acts of Kindness) - Michael DeVore Day One ☼ ☂The day after fall break was a very long day. After testing, writing a paper, and attending three club related meetings, I was quite ready to relax and let the my troubles drain out. Some weeks earlier I had sensed impending stress levels (midterms on the horizon) and decided to prepare for the crises by purchasing an old favorite movie of mine. So, as planned, that night I retrieved my emergency bag of comfort food and cuddled with friends to the sonorous sounds of Gene Kelly’s Singing in the Rain. As a child I had watched the old musical uncountable times - earning it a special place in my heart. The silly and cheery charm of the tapping tunes seemed to suck any stress straight out of my soul. Nostalgia enveloped me in a blanket of warmth like a cozy fire and suddenly it felt as though all was right in the world. In reflection I realized that my …show more content…

There is no doubt I have great room to expand my efforts but I feel comfortable in my balance - helping others often but not to the extent that it heavily interposes upon my own life. I always check to hold the door open for others, I leave my door open all hours of the day as a sort of counsel to my floor mates, I aim to be kind and conversational with strangers, and I always consider other perspectives before forming opinions. Why? Because it makes me proud of the way I live my life. This assignment edged me further outside of my comfort zone, encouraging new levels of achievement for my personal vendetta of kind acts. More importantly I learned about the contagious nature of goodwill in human society - on some level you can connect and appreciate everyone, and nearly anyone will joyfully reciprocate kind actions. Essentially, kindness encourages kindness unto kindness unto kindness in a chain reaction of goodwill; a smile at a stranger is immediately rewarded with a smile in

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