Quote That Has Impacted My Life

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In this essay, I will tell you about a quote that has impacted my life significantly over the years and how it has shaped me as a person. The quote is, “Nothing worth having was ever achieved without effort” Theodore Roosevelt. When I was ten years old and my mom and I redid my room, we put “Nothing worth having was ever achieved without effort” on my wall. She told me, being rich and driving super luxurious cars is not always what it seems. It takes hard work to live the high life and then at that exact moment she told me that quote. She said if that's how you want to live when you are older, that’s fine, but to get there you must work extremely hard. This quote originated like I said above when we redid my room. Every day …show more content…

Now I know I was only ten years old and being the know it all I was. I was like “duh I already knew that”. Then the next day I was looking at the quote on my wall. I sat down and gave it a deep thought. Over the last few years, I use it every morning for motivation when I do not want to do something. Today, I cannot say I completely understand it to the fullest meaning, but what I can say is that when my mom introduced me to this quote. I do believe I never thought it would impact my life as much as it does today, and for that, I could not be more …show more content…

When you first hear something you don't think much about it. But over the years it has grown on me and I understand it better and better each day. To this day I still do not have a full understanding of what the true meaning means but I do know it has helped me in many situations. The quote that has had an impact on my life relates to psychology in many ways. The first way is when I read this quote, it sticks in my brain. It makes my mind think about the future and how if you will blow off this one assignment then how much more will you blow off in the future. The second way is that it teaches you something, once you start to understand the quote you live by, your mind does not forget that once it is engraved in your mind. I believe that it relates to psychology by the fact you think about it because after all psychology is the study of the human

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