Psychology: The Human Experience By Viktor Frankl

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Psychology: Understanding The Human In reviewing the documentary Psychology: The Human Experience, Viktor Frankl’s “Everything can be taken from a man but one thing: the last of the human freedoms—to choose one’s attitude in any given set of circumstances, to choose one’s own way.” comes to mind. Even though our behaviors are being dictated by the environment we reside in, by being aware of our motivations and choices we make, there is a high chance that our attitudes towards one another might be a positive experience that can increase our quality of life for the individual, the society and the world we live in. The video, Psychology: The Human Experience, highlighted the many different principle perspectives of psychology and the broadness …show more content…

The color of their skin and their sex.” struck a chord on how we categorize people around us. The laymen would term this as shallow but is is inevitable that we do make this inference when we are in a group, it is clear that the Gestalt theory of organized whole is prevalent in our daily dealings with people by putting them into specific schemas in our minds but by being aware that this process exists in our mind, we can unlearn and relearn how we categorize people and change how we interact with …show more content…

I sense that there is an importance to learn the various aspects of our minds and how it works to navigate through our information rich environment and to embrace the similarities and differences that we have. I personally hope that psychology will help me understand my place in this world and how, with the knowledge I have acquired to the study of psychology, help make the world an easier place to live in. There has been too many a time where we humans have made uneducated decisions that affected the lives of other people and regret to tell the tale. I wish that each and every individual will have the chance to learn psychology to further understand our thoughts and behavior because, with psychology, we have a greater chance to mold a better future for the next

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