Quintessential Journey In The Movie 'Once Were Warriors'

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Good afternoon all, Jai here again with the First Friday Film Club and today we are talking quintessential journey films. In past weeks we have explored and reviewed popular movies such as The Wolf of Wall Street and The Hunger Games. Today we are going to be discussing on old classic, Once Were Warriors (1994) which in my opinion fits the description of a quintessential journey perfectly due to its extremely emotive and relatable plot involving many intense emotional journeys. In today’s show I will be investigating and responding to reviews given on the movie at the conclusion of last week’s show and giving my own personal opinion as to why the movie Once Were Warriors is indeed a quintessential journey film.
Once Were Warriors was released over 20 years ago on the 14th of April 1994, winning the Film Award in the 1994 New Zealand Film and TV Awards. Director Lee Tamahori is a major part of the New Zealand film industry with titles like ‘Die Another Day’ and ‘Next’ under his belt. The film follows the emotional journey that main characters Beth and Grace Heke face on a day-to-day basis while dealing with Jake Heke, mother to Grace and wife to Beth. The film is set in a slum in Auckland and the majority of scenes are filmed in the Heke family house which is part of the state housing program. Characters Jake and Grace Heke have been married for 18 years after Beth abandoned her old hometown and Maori warrior culture to be with Jake who was deemed as being from a long line of slaves, as his family worked for minimum wage and struggle to afford every day expenses.. Despite their poverty, Beth has tried to hold her family of five children together. Main characters Beth and Grace Heke are ...

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...nd memories.
Another viewer is critical towards the movie, stating that the development of main characters is sluggish and ambiguous. In my opinion this statement is completely untrue. Beth definitely develops emotionally throughout the film. At the start she is shown to be deeply in love with Jake but hates his drinking/violent habits. In the middle sector of the film there are many violent scenes showing Beth’s vulnerability and lack of power. The scene after Jake abuses her including the camera zooming onto her bruised face is also a major part of the character development as Beth took a stand after this occurrence and never looked at Jake the same way. After Grace kills herself is where Beth finally stands up to Jake and makes it entirely clear that he is no longer a part of her or her remaining children’s life and takes her family back to her original home.

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