Quiet People Analysis

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Humanity is unique in their creation. Our personalities make each of us different in this world. We are not all alike in our personalities. God has created each of us differently; there are no two people the same. Society needs different personalities for us to function as a community, therefore we are diverse in the areas of being quiet, outgoing, and in-between people.
Quiet people are individuals who are silent and think of things before speaking. Their conversations are not small talk about the weather, sports, or news. These individuals like to have lengthy conversations about a subject. Quiet people are individuals from whom you can draw wisdom. Heart-to-heart conversations come from inward-looking people who think before they speak. The proper description for quiet people is introverts. Introverts are remarkable in how they can perceive the surroundings in where they are before they have a conversation with someone. Most quiet people evaluate the mood of the person before they start to have a conversation with them. Friendships with introverts can be the most meaningful relationships we have in our lives. Quiet people enjoy good laughs just like the outgoing people do. …show more content…

They are able to begin a conversation in a spontaneous moment. Their conversations can be about anything in this world. They enjoy having light conversations; not anything too in-depth. I believe these kinds of individuals like to cover a lot of areas in one conversation. They definitely enjoy talking more than listening to someone. The professional description for outgoing people is extroverts. They are more outward in their thinking than inward. They enjoy making their environment happy and full of laughter. Friendships with extroverts can be a lot of fun. They enjoy having activities that entertain. Outgoing individuals like to have balance in their life as the in-between people

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