Purina Tidy Cats Advertising Campaigns

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Advertisements are widely used to convince the world of consumers that certain products are more deserving of money than others. Companies achieve this goal by use of tactics that create an effect in the mind of the audience that the product will achieve a specific goal to which its competition cannot compare. Every aspect of an advertisement is planned to facilitate a psychological response that encourages consumers to buy the product. One such product is cat litter, a product for which a company, Purina, is known. The Purina Tidy Cats advertisement uses a variety of techniques to convince the audience that use of the product will result in cleanliness. For instance, the specific colors within the advertisement are used in order to elicit …show more content…

Turquoise itself elicits a mental response, creating a sense of stability, order, and introspection. While the feeling of stability and order create an association between the product and the ideas of order and stability, the use of a color that promotes introspection causes the consumers to reflect upon their needs. By using turquoise, the advertisement calls into question the needs of the consumer while presenting a product, which is done in order to trick consumers into believing they need the product advertised. Furthermore, the use of white promotes the idea that the product achieves its goal of cleanliness and neatness. White represents neatness, cleanliness, purity, and hygiene, all of which consumers look for in a product such as cat litter. By shrouding the product in white, the advertisement creates an association between the product and cleanliness, which …show more content…

For example, the placement of the product is an intentional action, done to promote the idea that the product is the most important aspect of the advertisement. This, as well as the name of the product are placed towards the top of the page, ensuring consumers see both the product and the name or the product before reading any other information. Furthermore, the advertisement is crafted in a very simplistic manner, associating, once again, a sense of neatness with the product. By organizing the advertisement in such a way, the creator's sacrifice other elements to enforce the association between the product and cleanliness. Moreover, the location of the colors in the advertisement convey different reaction with different aspects of the advertisement. For example, the information at the bottom of the advertisement is surrounded with turquoise, while the actual product is surrounded by white. In doing this, the creators of the advertisement associate the product itself with cleanliness and neatness, while surrounding the information of the product with a color that facilitates introspection, causing the consumer to assess whether or not they need the product while being given information about the success of the product. Consequently, the organization and placement of different aspects of the advertisement impact how the consumers may perceive the

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