Psychological Wellbeing Essay

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The perspective of Psychological wellbeing dealt in this paper is called Eudaimonia which relates to accomplishment of human potential and finding pride and satisfaction in leading a meaningful life. It is the capability of a person to thrive and withstand the challenges which life throws in the form of having meaningful targets, growing and developing as a person with dignity and grace while at the same time establish qualitative relationship with fellow human being (Ryff 1989; Ryff and Keyes 1995; Ryff and Singer 2008).
Ryff and Singer (2000; 2008), Ryff and Keyes (1995), have developed and contributed six major dimensions of this wellbeing, which are: self-acceptance, autonomy, environmental mastery, positive relations with others, purpose in …show more content…

As an individual it reflects on self-management skills.
Environmental Mastery: is the consequence of the ability to adapt to the situation. Mastery of our reflexes in unexpected circumstances and the competency to sustain is a rewarding quality and wealth (Ryff 1989).
Positive Relations with Others: This relates to the ability or capacities have flexibility in relations with others. All of us don’t react or respond to any given situation in the same way. Unless one possesses empathy, he/she cannot appreciate the opinions or the thinking styles of others. Till you don’t hurt or does not get hurt by others, we are only in the progressing stage.
Purpose in Life: is not a one time on / off quality. It is a persistent seeking and ever progressing mental functioning in the positive thinking vector (Baumeister, 1991; Calhoun & Tedeschi, 2006; Kállay, 2011; Skrabski, Kopp, Rozsa, Rethelyi, & Rahe, 2005; Wong & Fry, 1998). Only those who understand that there is purpose in life will ever be able to identify themselves of their purpose and also help other identify theirs. This quality enhances and equips anyone to face the negative encounters in

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